Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet Client Agreement (Online & In-Person):
1. General:
1.1. A Registration Form must be fully completed and emailed to by the Dancer or Parent/Guardian (if under the age of 18), before commencement of any classes (including paid trial lessons) and for each new academic year to ensure personal data is kept up to date.
1.2. Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet is an independent business and the training provided is entirely separate and not to be associated with any other Dance School.
2. Private lessons and fees:
2.1. An agreed schedule of more than one lesson: The Dancer/Parent/Guardian must confirm in writing (Email: their agreement to proceed and book the offered schedule of lessons.
2.1.1. Once confirmation is received by Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet an invoice will be generated and non-refundable fees must be paid by the date specified on the invoice to confirm the booking.
2.2. A full half term’s notice is required in writing (Email: regarding amending or cancelling an agreed and confirmed schedule of lessons and fees must be paid in lieu. Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet reserves the right to not accommodate any requests to amend an agreed schedule, once an invoice has been generated if this is deemed not feasible or viable for the school.
2.3. If a student is unable to attend a lesson for any reason, Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet reserves the right to not to offer a replacement or substitute class.
2.4. A Parent or Guardian must accompany a Dancer, who is under the age of 18 years old and is welcome to sit-in on all or any of the Private lessons for best practice to safeguard teacher and student.
3. An ad-hoc lesson:
3.1. The Dancer/Parent/Guardian must confirmed in writing “Email:” their agreement to proceed and book a one-off Private lesson.
3.1.1. Once confirmation is received by Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet an invoice will be generated and the lesson fee must be paid by the date specified on the invoice. The lesson fee is non-refundable.
3.2. A Parent or Guardian must accompany a Dancer, who is under the age of 18 years old and is welcome to sit-in on the Private lesson for best practice to safeguard teacher and student.
4. Group class lessons and fees:
4.1. Before withdrawing a Dancer from Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet a full half term’s notice is required in writing and fees must be paid in lieu.
4.2. All term fees are payable by the date specified on an invoice.
4.3. Fees are paid termly and must be paid by the date specified on an invoice.
4.4. Lessons are not offered on a pay as you go basis and all classes must be paid for regardless of whether a student can attend.
4.5. Lesson times and timetables may be subject to change and Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet reserves the right to amend lesson times and timetables as and when required.
4.6. Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet is an independent school and reserves the right to set its own term dates.
4.7. Failure to pay an invoice on time will result in a penalty of 10% of the outstanding fees being added to your bill each week until the invoice is paid in full.
4.8. Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet reserves the right to not accommodate any requests to amend a lesson if deemed not feasible or viable for the school.
4.9. If a Dancer is unable to attend a lesson for any reason, Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet reserves the right to not to offer a replacement or substitute class.
4.10. Notice of absence should be given at your earliest opportunity in writing (Email: or Telephone: 07984 447281.
4.11. If Mrs Fraiz is unable to teach for any reason another teacher sourced by Mrs Fraiz will cover in her absence. Should a suitable cover teacher not be available, Mrs Fraiz will notify you at her earliest opportunity and a credit will be offered.
4.12. Dancers should arrive five minutes before the start of their lesson.
4.13. Dancers must be collected promptly at the end of their lesson.
4.14. Dancers must wear the correct uniform in all exams. Female Dancers who have Private tuition or who attend the Pre-vocational classes can wear a Classical Ballet leotard of their choice with a belt, convertible pink ballet tights and ballet shoes suitable for their level. All female students should wear their hair in a bun or if they have short hair then it should be neatly secured back off their face. Male Dancers can wear a Classical Ballet uniform of their choice providing it is appropriate for Classical Ballet training.
4.15. Teaching Classical Ballet is a physical activity, appropriate physical contact between teacher and Dancer in class is essential for effective ballet training. This may involve placing a Dancer's body into a correct position using the teacher’s hands during class. Please speak to Mrs Fraiz should you wish to discuss this matter further.
4.16. Dancers or Parents/Guardians are expected to treat each other and staff with respect and courtesy. Any behaviour that is deemed to be inappropriate may result in a dancer being dismissed from Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet.
4.17. Dancers/Parents/Guardians need to be aware that Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet uses a venue open to the public. Respect should be shown to any staff member/user of the venue, including the premises and studio equipment.
4.18. Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet does not accept responsibility for any student left unsupervised whilst in the venue and out of class time.
4.19. Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet cannot accept responsibility for any valuables bought in to the venue or class.
4.20. In the event of a fire/emergency alarm the teacher will be responsible for escorting all Dancers out of the premises to the fire assembly point and Parents/Guardians will be notified at the earliest opportunity.
4.21. Parents must disclose all medical condition(s), allergies and potential triggers before attending any classes and the teacher must be informed of any medical changes prior to any class commencing.
4.22. Staff are not medically trained. Your Dancer must bring any medication they need to each lesson and be able to self-administer, or a Parent/Guardian must remain on the premises throughout. The teacher must be made aware of any Medic-Alert tags and their location.
4.23. In the unlikely event of an accident or extreme illness and the teacher is unable to contact Parents/Guardians they will act in loco parentis and take whatever action is necessary in the best interests of the child.
4.24. Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet may take photographs or video footage of the Dancers in class to be used to promote the school through its literature, website or social media. Please note it is not permitted to take videos and photographs during class or school events unless prior authorization from the teacher has been given.
4.25. Please read Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet Safe Guarding Policy, which can be found on the Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet website.
4.26. Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet always takes its duty very seriously to keep your personal data that you provide when completing the Registration Form to join the school, safe and confidential. Your information is never passed on to other companies for marketing purposes and never will be. It is used solely by the school. By signing and dating this form you are confirming you are happy for Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet to contact you and to be included on the school’s email list for the purpose of receiving information in the future.
4.27. Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet reserves the right to make changes to the Terms and Conditions as and when appropriate.
5. Online Training disclaimer
5.1. Premises:
5.1.1. A parent or guardian (adult) must be present during class.
5.1.2. Electronic devices used must be in an appropriate area, for example not in a used bedroom.
5.1.3. Space to move freely – A student must have enough space to participate in the activity without there being any risk of injury to themselves, to others or risk of damage to surrounding property.
5.2. Student and Anyone else in the household:
5.2.1. Dress code: All students must be dressed appropriately (regular ballet uniform). Anyone else in the household should also be dressed in suitable clothing (fully clothed)
5.2.2. Recording: Classes must not be recorded or backed up elsewhere.
5.2.3. Language must be professional and appropriate.
6. Equipment:
6.1. Yoga/Pilates mat must be provided.
6.2. Suitable flooring, Ballet barre or chair must be provided.
6.3. Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet will not be liable for any technical issues at the student’s end.
6.4. Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet excepts no liability for Electronic devices used.
Child Protection Policy Statement:
This policy applies to anyone working for Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet including paid staff, volunteers, students or anyone working on behalf of Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet .
The Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet is committed to ensuring safe environments for children and young people and believe that a child or young person should never experience abuse of any kind. We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people and to keep them safe and we are committed to practise in a way that protects them.
We recognise that:
Purpose of the policy:
We will seek to safeguard children and young people by:
Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet will review this policy annually or sooner considering any changes in legislation or guidance. All changes will be communicated to staff, volunteers and parents.
Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet staff are DBS checked. Rebecca Fraiz Classical Ballet Principal is fully insured, and first aid trained and keeps up to date with any changes regarding Child Protection and Safeguarding Training.
Rebecca Fraiz
Contact details:
NSPCC Helpline
0808 800 5000
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